
I'm Tiffany McClellan, a graphic designer based in the vibrant state of Arizona. I wear many hats in life—student, sister, daughter, and a proud dog mom. Although I was born in Ludington, Michigan, I've called Arizona home since 2011.

From the very beginning, I've been a bookworm, a chocolate enthusiast, and a firm believer in the power of a good night's sleep for proper functioning. But what truly set me on the path of creativity was my 5th-grade art teacher. It was through their guidance that I discovered my innate talent and ignited my love for the arts.

At my core, I'm an old-school artist who cherishes the simplicity of pencil and paper. However, my journey led me to a new love—Graphic Design—when I entered college. I'll admit, at first, I found software like Illustrator and Photoshop intimidating, even frustrating. But, over time, I've grown to love them as indispensable tools in my creative arsenal.

What captivates me the most in design is the enchanting world of colors and their transformative power. Exploring how colors can breathe life into a piece, evoke emotions, and connect with the audience is what keeps my passion for design alive.




  • Creating social media posts on Instagram and Facebook for PTK, a honors and leadership institution at my college.

  • Illustrator - Photoshop - InDesign - Painting - Drawing - Mix Media - Ink

  • Logo Work - Packaging